Is Matta rice healthy?

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Is Matta rice healthy?

Is Matta rice healthy?

In today’s age of fast food mania and easy availability of refined foods, matta rice can help with your daily fiber requirements for a healthy life. The rich fiber content in this rice can help with the smooth running of the digestive system.

Kerala Matta rice is red and commonly found in Kerala state in India. The Matta rice thrives in the black cotton soil and humid weather of the Palakkad region of Kerala. While the rice is known for its distinct flavor and texture, it’s equally prized for its health benefits. The parboiling of the rice ensures that the nutritional values are retained more effectively than other forms of rice.

It is also high in Magnesium content, Calcium content, and Vitamins A and B.

Magnesium Content

Magnesium helps to regulate the normal breathing pattern of the body. It also aids with the transmission of nerve signals through the body and helps with the prevention of heart diseases and osteoporosis.

Calcium Content

The calcium content in Matta rice is much higher than in white rice. Calcium is considered one of the essential nutritive elements for all stages of life. A calcium-rich diet is essential for childhood growth, muscle functions, and healthy bone as well as strong teeth.

Vitamins A & B

Nutrient-rich coat in Matta rice contains generous amounts of Vitamin A and B. These play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being.

Matta rice also helps to reduce blood pressure in our bodies. With its high fiber content and low glycemic index, matta rice indirectly helps you to reduce your blood pressure. Consuming its grains can significantly lower your risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Due to the lower content of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, it is heart-friendly keeping those important blood vessels clear of clogs and clots.

The water drained after cooking the rice is called “Kanji-Vellam”. In Kerala houses, Kanji-Vellam is used as a mid-meal beverage. It is also used for washing hair, and face and even as a natural starch for cotton dresses.

So, Is Matta rice healthy? While compared with White rice, Matta rice is one of the healthiest Indian rice varieties. Matta rice is more nutritious and highly recommended for lunch as it is packed with nutrients.

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