The Major Difference Between Crystal Salt and Common Table Salt
While cooking, salt is one of the main ingredients to be added. It improves flavor, preserves food, and balances electrolytes in the body. However, there is a difference in the salts. The most important difference between these two is in their composition, processing methods, and potential health benefits. Knowing these differences can help you in deciding the best option for your dietary needs. In this article, we will explore the major differences between crystal salt and common table salt more vividly.
The Processing: Crystal Salt vs. Table Salt
Crystal salt and common table salt are processed very differently. Crystal salt, commonly referred to as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt, is processed in a minimalistic way. The sourcing is done directly from salt mines or evaporated seawater. Since this is a natural process, many essential minerals, such as magnesium and potassium, are retained when compared to common table salt. This is due to the fact that common table salt goes through much processing. Refining and bleaching are done to remove impurities, which leave behind mostly sodium chloride.
The Mineral Content: How Crystal Salt Stands Out
A big difference between crystal salt and common table salt is in their mineral content. As mentioned earlier, crystal salt retains many essential minerals. These minerals contribute to a variety of health benefits. For instance, Himalayan pink salt has iron, which provides its distinct pink shade. It also has trace minerals like zinc and calcium, which play a major role in bodily functions. Common table salt, however, is deficient in these additional minerals. It consists mainly of sodium chloride, and even though the addition of Iodine is done for health purposes, it is deficient when compared to the broader nutritional spectrum of crystal salt.
Taste and Texture: A Unique Experience with Crystal Salt
The major difference between crystal salt and common table salt also widens in its taste and texture. Crystal salt has a more rich flavor profile because of its mineral content. This contributes to a more pronounced flavor when used for cooking. In addition, a coarser texture is present in crystal salt, which adds a special crunch when sprinkled over foods. Whereas, table salt is fine and often dissolves quickly. Its flavor is also not that wide, as it consists mainly of sodium chloride.
Health Benefits: Crystal Salt as a Healthier Option
Even though crystal salt and common table salt are needed by the body in moderation, crystal salt is often taken into account as a healthier option. This is due to the fact that it contains more minerals, and is believed to contribute to better hydration, improved digestion, and even promote skin health. There are also supporters of crystal salt who argue that it can contribute to balancing electrolytes and improve overall well-being. It’s also important to note that excessive consumption of salt can be a cause of health problems. Since crystal salt has added minerals, for many, who are trying to enhance their nutrient intake, it may be a better option.
The major difference between crystal salt and common table salt is in their processing, mineral content, taste, and added health benefits. Crystal salt being natural and unrefined, offers more minerals and a varied flavor in comparison to processed table salt. Even though both salts serve the same primary purpose. Crystal salt is considered a healthier and more flavorful option for those who plan their dietary choices. So, next time you choose your salt, consider these points between crystal salt and common table salt.